Friese John F. - Farm Blacksmithing

Author : Friese John F.
Title : Farm Blacksmithing
Year : 1921

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THIS book is the direct outgrowth of the author's experiences in teaching farm blacksmithing to farm boys. The abjects, of which the process of making is described in the book, all center about farm activities. The purpose of the book is two-fold. It is intended as an aid to a teacher of farm blacksmithing, being a source of problems, and suggestive of how the work may be carried forward. In addition to being a "What" and "How" book for instructors, the author constantly had in mind its direct use by farmers as a means of self-instruction in blacksmithing. This accounts for certain details and some repetitions. Because of its intended use as a book of self-instruction the au thor has taken little for granted. Farm blacksmithing is a rougher type of work than that expected of a city smith. on automobile or auto truck work.· The important. question is: "Doe3 it fit and is it strong enough?" In welding the question is not, "How does it look?" but "Will it hold?" The dimensions given on the drawings in this book are such that the work will be strong enough and of a size in general use. The sizes should, however, be modified when individual needs require. There is real value in making these new abjects to dimensions;, because only in that way will a persan leam how to make duplicate parts for repairs. Repair work in schools is only touched on briefly in this book. It should be stressed as muchas possible, the students bringing broken parts of implements, etc., to school to repair. However, one who has forged niost of the articles, as shown in this book, should be able to do almost any kind of blacksmith repair work on a farm. St. Cloud, Minn. May 1, 1920. JOHN F. FRJESE ...

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