Gay III Ben - The Closers Part 2

Author : Gay III Ben
Title : The Closers Part 2 The sales Closer's Bible book Two - Cross the threshold and penetrate the world of master closers ... with the secret blue books that could triple your income overnight ! The most famous and powerful books on closing sales ever written !
Year : 2000

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An Author's Beginning. In 1979 1 discovered a most unusual book. lt was in very rough form and there were only 500 copies in existence. 1 bought them ali, got the publishing and distribution rights, cleaned it up, promoted it, and turned it and its cassette program version into the all-time favorites of salespeople ali over the world. Many cali it "that little blue book"; others "the sales closer's bible." Most know it as simply "The Closers." The Closers has been good to me and, as the rather unbelievable sales records show, I've been good for The Closers. More importantly, The Closers has been good for the countless salespeople ali ovcr the world who swear by it. If you don't have a copy of both The Closers book and The Closers cassette program, don't let the sun set on you again without obtaining your persona! copies. And if you're a sales manager, make sure every single person you work with has at !east the book in his or her briefcase! lt has literall_v spelled the difference between success and failure for thousands upon thousands of top professional salespeople- The Master Closers of Selling. For years, many of those same Master Closers have been after me to write another book on selling. And for years 1 have resisted- for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was laziness. But there were other reasons. As you may know, writing can be agony. Why should 1 write Son of The Closers, since sales of The Closers itself continue to go up year after year? And why should 1 write another whole book on closing sales when no one 1 know has ever been able to full y put to use the material in The Closers? Myself included! Here's what finally pushed me over the edge. An old friend of mine, one of the world's top sales pros, asked me why 1 thought it was fair to continue to hold back the real keys to becoming a Master Closer. At first 1 didn't understand his point. But, being a good friend, he continued to press me. 1 ducked and dodged my way through many phone conversations and several dinners before he finally nailed me with a sucker punch. He asked me if 1 had given The Closers to my sons, both of whom are, at this writing, selling part-time while in school. 1 said, "Of course." Then he asked if that was ali the help 1 had given them, and 1 heard myself saying, "Of course not! There's a whole lot more to selling than that! l'rn teaching them how to be sophisticated salespeople. People who sell from strength. l'rn teaching them the subtleties of selling. The Closers will just keep them afloat and give me time to teach them the real stuff- the important material. The material no one has ever put in a book." lt was too late! I'd said it out loud. 1 had spoken the awesome truth about The Closers, the most popular book and cassette program on selling and closing ever produced. lt is wonderful as far as it goes. It will teach you how to close sales that others can 't even dream of closing. lt can tu rn y ou into a high-powered closing machine. It can make you the envy of ali who see you perform. It can double your income- even triple or quadruple it! lt can do things for your sales career that you can't imagine. But it can't turn you into a sophisticated, smooth, powerful, precision selling instrument. It wasn't designed to do that! So, if you are ready to take the long but rewarding journey to professional selling at its highest levels, 1 am committed to giving you the same persona) guidance 1 give my own clients, my own friends, and my own sons. Where do we start? Weil, first let me explain that learning how to be a top professional is not a matter of going from building block A to building block C to building block D, climaxing one glorious day at building block Z-at which point you have mastered the art of selling in its entirety. It doesn't work like that, because professional selling is an evolving, changing, living thing. Y ou are changing. Acceptable forms of human behavior are changing. The language is changing. Yet, under ali of that change, the basics haven't really changed that much. They just appear to have changed. And you must too! Does that confuse you? It's supposed to. Because, until you turn loose of the old concept of "Teach me 25 closes and l'Il go knock them dead," and/or "Gi ve me the secret to selling in 25 buzzwords and let me at them," you are doomed to be an amateur for the rest of your sales career. Perhaps a highly paid amateur, but an amateur nevertheless. No one wants to hear the truth about how the very best professional salespeople got there and stay there, but here it is. They have continued to learn. They pick up a piece here and there. They read books. They listen to tapes. They go to the seminars. They take notes. They try new ideas and discard old ones. They are constantly growing, learning, and evolving. ...

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