Safian Louis A. - The Giant Book of Insults

Author : Safian Louis A.
Title : The Giant Book of Insults incorporating 2000 insults for all occasions and 2000 more insults
Year : 1991

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Repartee has been defined as saying what you think after becoming a departee; saying as quick as a flash what you didn't say until next morning. Everyone, at one time or another, has had occasion to echo the familiar lamentation: Backward, turn backward, 0 Time, in your flight, I've just thought of a wisecrack I needed last night! How often have you felt the need at a given moment for a whimsical wisecrack or a waggish quip to put a spark in your conversation? Why be caught with your gags down? You can't win in a battle of wits unless you are properly armed with a repertoire of rapid-fire repartee, a capsule caricature, a salty sally, or a snappy comeback. The unabashed purpose of this compilation is to enable you, at the drop of a gag, to place your comic, laconic stamps on the idiosyncrasies of diverse specimens of the human race. I have endeavored to include the wit of absurdity, analogy, burlesque, cynicism, drollery, epigram, facetiousness, ridicule, thought-play, word-play, and urbanity. The breezy one-liner, to which I have adhered in this volume, gcts your point across in headline form in this age of high speed, sums up a situation in a nutshell, and add~ attention-winning punch to your comments. The secret of the succcss of the epigram is found in its definition-a grain of truth in the twinkling of an eye. The so-called insult gag is, in essence, an epigrammatic wisecrack concerning people's nature, conduct, or appearance. TV and nightclub comedians, who are masters of the insult gag, indulge to their hearts' content in acidulous wit and verbal brickbats, bombshells, and blackjacks with the assurance that no one in their audiences identifies himself as their target. Jonathan Swift expressed this idea skillfully in his definition of satire-"a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own." Aside from its reputation for sportive witticism, the insult gag helps at times to blow off steam and get a pet peeve off one's chest. There is an old saying, "It takes all kinds of people to make a world." In our 'human relations, many of Our irritations and annoyances spring from other people's behavior, dress, or appearance. It often becomes necessary to caU a spade a spade without stubbing our toes on one. Edged with the sharp barbs of truth, this thesaurus of sizzling flipquickies, mad-libs, bright slayings, and tongue-whippers offers you a well-stocked arsenal for the fullest expression of your critical faculties. Alphabetically arranged according to the target of your pointed dart, it is a ready reference for assassinating asses, burying boors, demolishing stuffed shirts, knocking the knockers, putting the kibosh on the kibitzers, prodding the pompous, shrinking egotists' heads, and squelching the pest. So, for your innocent (and not so innocent) pleasure, I offer this supermarket of sweet (and not so sweet) one-liners with which you can add lustre to your reputation as a wit, a clever epigrammist, and an astute caricaturist. The pins are here in abundance to prick a lot of balloons and baboons. With all this ammunition, you can now crack the quips and let them fall where they may. May your tongue be your sword and may it never grow rusty. With my best gratings, I am Very tartly yours, LOUIS A. SAFIAN. ...

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