Asher Philippa - Ashtanga Yoga Asana practise sheets

Author : Asher Philippa
Title : Ashtanga Yoga Asana practise sheets Part 1 : suryanamaskaras, standing sequence, primary series, backbends, finishing sequence
Year : 2015

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Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga. Said to have been first described in an ancient text called Yoga Korunta, Ashtanga Yoga is a disciplined practice of the body and mind, whose aim is to discover our True Self and thus live in harmony with the Universe. It's about manifesting a rhythmic flow of energy and awareness, that enables us to feel connected, whilst promoting good health and heightened spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. Around two thousand years ago, the Indian sage Patanjali composed a work called Yoga Sutras, which attempts to outline and standardise Classical Yoga. Expounding upon Raja Yoga (how to redefine the mind to serve our needs), Patanjali's underlying principle is the Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga, which can lead to liberation. These eight limbs are: Yamas (ethical behavioural codes: ahimsa non-violence; satya truth; asteya not stealing; brahmacarya appropriate sexual conduct; aparigraha non-greed); Niyamas (personal behavioural observances: sauca cleanliness of body and mind; santosa contentment with what one has; tapas austerities and disciplines; svadhyaya self study; isvara pranidhana surrender and acceptance without expectation); Asana (postural practice, to detoxify and open the body and mind); Pranayama (vital life force, or breath control and expansion); Pratyhara (withdrawal of the senses from external stimulation); Dharana (concentration of the mind); Dhyana (meditation: focusing the mind on a single entity) and Samadhi (a higher state of conscious awareness, where the mind goes beyond the object of meditation and the individual self). Ashtanga means eight limbs, thus each of these four external and four internal disciplines make up the Ashtanga Yoga practice . For most people, the easiest way to access Ashtanga Yoga, is via the postural practice (the third limb). The asana method is characterised by the powerful, synchronised breathing and movement system (vinyasa); gaze points (dristi) and internal energy locks (bandhas). The asanas are gracefully linked together using Vinyasa Sequences based on Suryanamaskara A. The aim of the Ashtanga asana practice is to attain the perfect alignment of the breath, dristi and movement (known as tristhana) and through doing so , develop a moving meditation. Throughout the practice, very slow inhalations and exhalations through the nose, allow prana (vital energy) to be carried around the subtle body. Coupled with the correct execution of tristhana , stagnant energy in the nadis (energy channels) and around the chakras (energy centres), will be freed and physical or mental disturbances, dissolved. Through regular practise of a precise sequence of flowing asanas, the body becomes flexible , powerful and light; toxins are removed and the blood cleaned. Many aliments may be improved. Slow controlled breathing and deep concentration create incredible focus and a strong quiet mind, resulting in a feeling of calmness and peace. In today's asana system (in the tradition of Sri K Pattabhi Jois) there are six series of Ashtanga Yoga asanas: Primary (Yoga Chikitsa) to detoxify, balance, open and strengthen the body; Intermediate (Nadi Sodhana) to purify the nervous system; Advanced A, B, C and D (Sthira Bhaga Samapta) to demonstrate high levels of strength, flexibility, grace and humility. When one asana is mastered in a controlled graceful manner (with calm deep breathing), the next is added until a complete series is practised regularly. The format of the practice comprises the Suryanamaskara Sequences; the Standing Sequence; whichever "Series" the practitioner is working on; Backbends and the Finishing Sequence. It takes most people, many years to master the Primary Series, with its surrounding sections. With time (as the body and mind purify, grow stronger and become more open), the other aspects of Ashtanga Yoga transpire oganically, allowing us to find our true nature and connection to the Universe. ...

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