Bare James E. - Understanding our frequencies through harmonic associations

Author : Bare James E.
Title : Understanding our frequencies through harmonic associations
Year : 2005

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Besides being public, our frequencies are kept secret and then traded, swapped, or at times sold to the highest bidder. We have had absolutely no idea if there is some superiority to using one frequency over another . Does 2017 work better than 2116, or 2127, or 2150? One occasionally hears of some individual with cancer responding at 727 or 802 . Frequencies that are supposed to be for one condition are helping with another . Why does this occur? There is a mystique to our frequencies that have created limitations to treatment outcomes. All too often it seems frequencies are almost magically derived. Seemingly discovered by some unknown process, and then promoted as the latest and greatest solution to the physical problems that ail us. Until now, we have just had to exist with this situation. Hoping that the frequencies we utilize will actually work, and won’t be little more than just a number on a piece of paper. This paper is about how our present day audio range frequencies with a direct Royal Rife or John Crane lineage came into existence. It is about how to examine existing frequencies for reliability, and generate new frequencies that can be utilized with some confidence. From the methods discussed in this paper, thousands of new frequencies will be derived, and effectiveness of our treatments should increase significantly. To understand our modern day frequencies involves an understanding of harmonics. Harmonics are often presented in terms of some multiple of a fundamental frequency. That is, harmonics may be derived though the process of multiplication. For example, a fundamental frequency of 3000 Hz will have harmonics at 3000, 6000, 9000 and so on. The mathematical opposite of a harmonic is known as a sub harmonic. A sub harmonic is derived by the process of division . A sub harmonic of 3000 Hz might be 1500 Hz, or 600 Hz. Both 600 and 1500 Hz are divisors of 3000 Hz. As are 500, 1000, 200, 300, and 50 , among many others! In examining some of the letters written by Dr. Rife , the proper term for an audio range frequency which is a sub harmonic (exact or near exact divisor ) of the fundamental frequency is “ Coordinative Resonance Frequency” or CRF . All of our modern day frequency devices utilize Coordinative Resonance Frequencies in the treatment of disease. One of the letters using the term “ Coordinative Resonance Frequency” is presented and examined in some detail further down in the text of this paper. ...

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