Ehret Arnold - Mucusless diet healing system

Author : Ehret Arnold
Title : Mucusless diet healing system A scientific method of eating your way to health
Year : 1922

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Contemporary insights to professor Ehret By David Fastiggi. Author. The End of Disease. What is the fundamental course of disease? Why is this time of heightened scientific medical advancement in degenerative disease so prevalent? Have we accepted a state of existence as normal, when in fact so much more is within reach? Are we living a compromised life? These are serious questions we need to ask, in order to embark upon the road which truly leads to understanding of the central cause of disease and it's prevention. At the present time cardiovascular disease claims more lives than all other causes of death combined. Over twenty five million are affected with Arthritis. Diabetes claims over five million and ranks third as a cause of blindness in this country. Cancer has become so very wide spread despite the so called war on cancer. The field of scientific medical thought is struggling to resolve these problems. In the past ten years the medical community has understood the basics of diet in relationship to disease and prevention. Effort is being made but, the lax focus and the weak educational effort is an issue of contention. Why? Because Professor Arnold Ehret as well as others have been at least suggesting the role of diet and disease for one hundred years. Why does it take so long for a response when millions are suffering? Have you been watching the advertisements for milk and beef lately? Industry is panicking in the face of the growing awareness of the value of a vegetarian diet. So why the contention? Why are so many thousands leaving the country to seek alternative medical treatment for cancer? In the course of forty years you consume about 42,000 meals. Is it not responsible that they may have some effect on the human organism? Diet is the basis of blood formation and the quality of blood is the river of life for your cells. The body is not inert to a response. The failing health of a person has a link to somewhere. Professor Arnold Ehret one hundred years ago taught through his common sense reasoning the importance of diet in the cause of disease, its prevention and treatment. Additionally he offered a glimpse into the possible true state of health, a standard far higher than believed today in traditional health medical science. What is it that is guiding man? Progress in technology, to a more comfortable life? But without the guidelines of natural law what are the trade offs? Air pollution, water pollution, dumping of toxic waste, and what do we do with radioactive waste? Where does conscience enter into this process? Professor Ehret was a man of concern for the morality and sacredness of life. His effort on Earth was to educate people in the relationship between natural law, health and a respect of all life. ...

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