Frawley David - Ayurveda and Marma therapy

Author : Frawley David
Title : Ayurveda and Marma therapy Energy points in yogic healing
Year : 2003

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Foreword. The subject of pranic energy as a biological force is well documented in Ayurveda, but until now, poorly understood in the West. Prana as the positive energy of the vata dosha is the primary source of physical and energetic health. Ayurvedic medicine has a wonderful therapeutic system to work directly on this bio-energetic principle that is called Marma therapy. Prana as the source of the tridosha is the single most important factor in health and therapeutic treatment. All Ayurvedic therapies work on the prana of the patient in some manner, striving to stabilize and harmonize its functions, primarily through the three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha. Marma therapy is the most direct method of harmonizing prana in the physical body (Sthula sharira) of another person. It can also aid in the study of yoga practices such as pranayama and asana, which are chiefly concerned with increasing and regulating pranic function through the nadis or channels of the subtle body. Marma therapy supplements and supports all Ayurvedic therapies, increasing their effectiveness and ability to awaken the healing power of the body. Prana as the source of mental function and perception allows us to think and perceive. It allows us to interact with the five senses, body and physical universe. The higher forms of Yoga are concerned with the development of prana on this level, the subtle body (Sukshma sharira), which governs the mind and senses. The advanced aspects of Ayurveda can assist to harmonize prana here and aid in all forms of personal development and spiritual unfoldment. Marma therapy plays a key role in bridging the physical and subtle bodies of yogic science. Therefore, a working knowledge of Marma therapy is an important assistance on all yogic paths. Thus, Marma therapy is a multidimensional approach to health that includes the physical, energetic and mental sheaths (Annamaya, Pranamaya and Manomaya Koshas) that in turn have an effect on the souls apparent journey home. ...

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