Gottlieb Adam - Psilocybin production

Author : Gottlieb Adam
Title : Psilocybin production How to produce 5000 doses of organic psilocybin in a small room every week
Year : 1976

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Psilocybin and the law. The present drug laws are a pathetic mess. The old adage that ignorance of the law is no excuse becomes a ludicrous statement when the laws themselves are rooted in ignorance. One classical example of this is the classification of the stimulant Cocaine as a narcotic. One is reminded of the King in Alice in Wonderland who made up his own language as he went along with total disregard for the accepted definitions of words. I will not even go into the question of whether any law enforcement agency has the moral or Constitutional right to dictate what substances we may or may not take into our own adult bodies. Any modern individual whose mind is not immersed in the slavish dung pit of Dark Age unreasoning knows that reliable education − not criminal penalization − is the answer to whatever drug problems exist. Nevertheless, we must contend realistically with the powers that unfortunately be at this time. They are the ones with the badges, guns, gavels and goons. Because of the afore mentioned ignorance of our lawmakers it is difficult to determine how the use of certain hallucinogenic substances would be treated in the courts. Possession of psilocybin and psilocin (misspelled in the U.S. Code as psilocyn) is a felony under Title 21, Section I, (C) of the United States Code (1970 Edition). Psilocybe Mexicana is also illegal. There was sufficient ignorance on the part of the lawmakers not to include the many other mushroom species containing psilocybin and psilocin. Theoretically the possession of any psilocybin bearing mushroom would be the same as possessing the alkoloid itself. But when it comes to prosecution it does not necessarily work like that. Lysergic acid amides, which occur in morning glory seeds, stems, and leaves are also illegal, but there is no way to prevent gardeners from raising this ornamental flower. It is also illegal for anyone in the USA to possess mescaline. Peyote, which contains mescaline, is legal for bonafide members of the Native American Church when used ritual− istically, but no member may possess extracts of the cactus or the drug mescaline. Peyote is illegal for non−members, but San Pedro and several other species of Trichocereus cacti also contain mescaline and are available from many legitimate cactus dealers. It would be clearly illegal for anyone to extract the active principles from any of the above mentioned plants. And it would be illegal for anyone to extract psilocybin and psilocin from mushrooms or mycellium as described in this guide. Anyone found operating a large scale mycelium farm could very easily be prosecuted for intent to manufacture psilocybin and psilocin. There are also many different state laws which must be considered before doing anything psilocybin bearing mushrooms. There are, however many Nations which have no laws regarding these substances. We are not judges or attorneys and are not trying to offer clear interpretations of the law. Rather we have mentioned these points to give some indication of the legal pitfalls which surround the application of the activities described in this guide. Furthermore, laws may have changed for better or for worse. We, the author and publisher, are not recommending or endorsing the application of the information in this guide especially in places where there are laws proscribing these substances. We offer this information for the sake of pure knowledge because it is our Constitutional right to do so. We do not encourage the violation of any existing laws. ...

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