Jamison Jennifer - Clinical guide to nutrition & dietary supplements in disease management

Author : Jamison Jennifer
Title : Clinical guide to nutrition & dietary supplements in disease management
Year : 2003

Link download : Jamison_Jennifer_-_Clinical_guide_to_nutrition_and_dietary_supplements_in_disease_management.zip

Preface. Nutritional medicine is gaining popularity as health professionals become more aware of scientifically proven links between diet and disease and laypersons find it increasingly agreeable to self-medicate using natural remedies. The mushrooming interest in herbs and supplements has recently resulted in the publication of a plethora of texts in this area. The texts tend to fall into two distinct categories: either they are well referenced, detailed, and tending to the esoteric, offering little practical advice to the generalist, or they are full of handy hints but lack any evidence of being based on scientifically validated information. It is hoped that this text will provide scientifically sound information while providing useful clinical guidance to those embarking on a pathway that boldly traverses conventional and alternative health care. Part One focuses on a number of important principles in the use of diet, nutrient, and herbal supplements. Part Two discusses certain disorders that are prevalent and/or particularly amenable to nutrient or herbal intervention. No attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive list of anecdotally useful interventions. Instead, the attempt has been to identify at least one probable mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of each listed condition and to demonstrate how selection of particular foods, nutrients, and/or herbs can offer biologically plausible intervention. Part Three provides additional details on popular nutrients, herbs, and functional foods. Rather than attempting to list all the active constituents in herbs, only major physiologically active constituents are noted. When exploring the potential clinical usefulness of dietary supplements, I have made an attempt to provide an overview of current scientific thinking. In clinically effective doses, herbs and nutrient supplements constitute drug therapy; accordingly safe clinical care in nutritional medicine requires careful attention to dose, side effects, and interactions. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be particularly cautious. Nutritional medicine is a rapidly advancing area that holds enormous promise. It is hoped that this text will be a useful aid in an exciting but often confusing area of health care. Jennifer R. Jamison. ...

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