Lebrun Shawn C. - 7 things you "must do"

Author : Lebrun Shawn C.
Title : 7 things you "must do" to add muscle, gain weight, and increase strength !
Year : 2003

Link download : Lebrun_Shawn_C_-_7_things_you_must_do.zip

Introduction. I want you to do me a favor before you even start this program. I want you to accept everything in this program as proven to work. I want you to be able to have complete confidence and 100% faith that everything you read in this program will work for you. I do not say this to sound conceited or to talk like my methods of training are the only way. I say it because there is something powerful in knowing that what you are doing, or getting ready to do, will work for you 100% of the time. Think about it for a moment. If you were not really sure that something you were about to do would work, would you really want to give it your best effort? So please, just have faith that this program WILL do everything you want it to do. That way as you work really hard on using the stuff I’ve written here, you can feel confident that I have your best interests at heart and that this program and these tips WILL work. I’ve already done all of the steps in this program myself and with numerous clients and I can assure you that the only variable in this whole thing is your effort you put in. You see, building muscle and losing fat is pretty simple, if you know what to do and the best way to do it. As soon as you realize that there are no “shortcuts” to building muscle, gaining weight and increasing strength, you can begin to concentrate on those things that really matter. The great thing is, there really are only a few things you have to focus on and do well if you want to get great results. That’s why I feel most people do not get the results they really want. They either have no clue what to do or they are so confused with all the Bull floating around, they just start trying anything and everything. They go from one program to another, one routine to the next, before really giving them time to work. Does this sound a little bit like you? I know it sounds like how I used to train. I’d try one thing and before giving it a chance to see if that worked, I’d skip onto something else. And I never got good results for that. I didn’t know the word “persistence.” I wanted things “Yesterday.” But soon I realized that’s not how the world works. You see, there are certain truths in the world, certain “laws.” Both building muscle and losing fat are based upon these “laws” like the law of gravity. I don’t care how much you DON’T want that rock to fall off the rooftop you just dropped it from - it’s going to fall. It’s the law of gravity - it happens whether you want it to or not. Well, the same can be said for building muscle and gaining weight. If you take certain steps, you’ll get certain results. They will work for you, for your cousin, or any one else that puts them to use. The determining factor, once again, is your effort - how much you’re willing to work at it. If I was to name the single most important factor that will determine how much muscle you build and how much good quality weight you gain, it’s this. Your effort and intensity of that effort. If you fail to do any of the recommended steps in this program, you’ll see little to no results. But if you take the steps in this program with very little effort and intensity, you’ll still see little to no results. Even though you’ve taken some of the steps and have done something, that’s not enough. The world is FULL of people that only give a half-hearted attempt. If you never become one of those people, you will go very far. If your effort and intensity are the biggest reasons for success or failure, than your attitude is not far behind those. Your attitude is how you view things in life and most people go through life with a bad attitude, or view. You cannot do that with bodybuilding. A positive attitude will get you to and keep you in the gym when it would be easier to be home, watching TV. A bad attitude will often times keep you out of the gym altogether. With a negative attitude, you think, “What’s the use working out, I’m not getting anywhere.” This negative mindset begins to affect everything you do and instead of looking forward to your workouts, you begin to dread them. On the other hand, with a positive attitude, nothing will keep you from the gym and more importantly, from getting what you want. So always keep a cool head on your shoulders and feel positive about what you’re doing. If you allow negativity to creep into your lifestyle, it will affect everything you do in the course of the day and not in a good way. If you’re wondering why I’ve talked about effort and attitude more than bench presses and dumbbells so far, it’s because the most important piece of your body you can exercise on a daily basis is that tool between your ears. Your brain is the single most important piece of equipment you have for building muscle, increasing strength, gaining weight, or any other goal you have. Your thinking will either get you ahead of everyone else or your thinking will keep you back - it’s your choice. Building muscle, gaining weight, and increasing your strength goes SO far beyond just exercising. Look around the gym. You see many people exercising. More often times than not, they do not have the ideal physique. They are not as muscular or as ripped as they’d like to be. If just plain exercising and lifting weights were all it took to get an awesome body, wouldn’t more people have one by now? The last time I was in the gym, there were maybe 2 people out of 25 that had any sort of “muscular” physique. I don’t say this to be mean, but to rather prove a point. Getting a great, muscular body has more to do with how you think than it does about how you exercise. That may sound like a totally ridiculous statement, but it’s 100% true. If it weren’t, than a lot more people would already have their ideal physiques. I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying “Train smarter, not harder.” Well, there is some truth to that statement, but I prefer “Train Harder AND Smarter.” If you do this, you will take your body to levels you never thought possible. When I began to train “harder AND smarter” I changed more in 10 weeks than I had in 10 years. But I had to put my ego aside and realize that I didn’t know everything I needed to know to get a great muscular body. I still don’t know everything, but I am now open to learning what I need to know to get what I want. But the important thing is, I know what works. After years of trial and error, going through program after program and training routine after routine, I’ve finally perfected something that works. Yes, it will work for you as well, since you are human and humans tend to gain weight and muscle the same way. In this program, I am going to give you exactly what you need to focus on and think about to get your most muscular body ever. If you’re ready to learn the 7 most important things you MUST do to gain muscle weight and increase your strength, I’m ready to give it to you. There is nothing magical about what you are going to read. The magic will occur when you begin to use this stuff to the best of your ability. If you are not going to put this stuff to good use, don’t bother reading it. You’re just wasting your time. I can honestly tell you that anything you want to achieve with your body can be done with the steps in this program. Again, have 100% faith this will work and you’ll never, ever look back. Let’s begin the journey together. One more thing before we begin. Again, its important to eliminate any doubt right off the bat, so that way you can absolutely focus very hard on the few things you have to focus on. Do yourself a favor - don’t quit this program, at all. I’m not saying you can’t switch the exercises around or the days you work out around. What I am saying is give this program some time to work. Allow yourself a good 6 to 8 weeks at least of hard, intense work. If you invest that amount of time, you will begin to see returns on your investment. If you quit too soon, you will likely see nothing. Ever. In all that you do, whether its weight lifting, school, work, anything...be persistent in going after what you want. The world is full of quitters; please do not become one of them. Just realize that with your determination and hard work, you’ll get what you want. And if you do not get it right off, just put your nose down and keep going after it. Sooner or later, it will come to you. But only if you keep at it. You never, ever know when the thing you want will be right around the next corner. If you quit and do not go around that corner, you will never know its there. So, in your muscle building and weight gain goals; realize that what you seek may be just around the corner. Don’t quit before you go around it. ...

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