Morris Hugh - The Art of Kissing

Author : Morris Hugh
Title : The Art of Kissing
Year : 1999

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Of course, there are different kinds of kisses. For instance, there is the kiss that the devout person implants on the ring of the Pope. There is the maternal kiss of a mother on her child. There is the friendly kiss of two people who are meeting or are separating. There is the kiss that a king exacts from his conquered subjects. But although all of these are called kisses, they are not the kisses* that we are going to concern ourselves with in this book. Our kisses are going to be the only kind of kisses worth considering . the kisses of love. The kiss perhaps, that Robert-Bums had in mind when he wrote: Honeyed seal of soft affections, Tenderest pledge of future bliss, Dearest tie of young connections, Love's first snowdrop, virgin kiss. The amazing thing about the kiss is that although mankind has been kissing ever since Adam first turned over on his side and saw Eve lying next to him, there has been practically nothing written on the subject. Every year, hundreds of books are published telling you how to reduce, how to gain, how to get a job, how to cook, how to write and even how to live. But, on the art of kissing, very little has been written. - One reason for this lack of proper instruction is accounted for by the Victorian. sense of morals which has persisted through the ages. To the blue-nosed Puritans of the past anything that concerned love was dirty, pornographical. John Bunyan's writings show what these, Puritans thought of' the kiss. He wrote in big infamous "The Pilgrim's Progress," "the common salutations of women I abhor. It is odious to me in whomsoever I see it. When I have seen good men salute those women that they have visted, or that have visited them, I have made my objections against it; and when they have answered that it was but a piece of civility, I have told them that it was not a comely sight. Some, indeed, have urged the holy kiss; but then, I have asked them why they make their balks; why they- did salute the most handsome and let the ill-favored ones go." Perhaps old Bunyan thought that way because be was one of the "ill-favored" who went unkissed and were let "go." But, nowadays, people have taken a broader outlook on life. Our plays are becoming more civilized and less stiff. Our arts are no more censored by laws. Our books are being written about subjects that no self-respecting author would ever have dared to put into a book. Birth-control, divorce and the science of marriage are common subjects for books. Even the strange vices of mankind are brought out into the open and discussed and not allowed to fester in the dark chambers of censorship. Yes, books like Van de Velde's "Ideal Marriage" and Stope's "Married Love" Ire openly sold in bookstores. But, nowhere, do we find a book which instructs people in the art of kissing, an art which is an absolute essential to a happy -life, as we shall discuss in the oncoming pages of this book. Is it because we are not absolutely freed from the shackles of prudishness? In certain parts of this country, men have been arrested for kissing their wives on the street! Is this civilization? ...

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