Moussu Gustave - Diseases of cattle, sheep, goats and swine

Author : Moussu Gustave
Title : Diseases of cattle, sheep, goats and swine
Year : 1905

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No apology seems called for in presenting to English-speaking veterinary surgeons and students a treatise on the diseases of cattle. To those entrusted with the onerous task of preventing or curing disease in cattle, sheep, and swine the scantiness of permanent literature dealing with the subject must always have proved a matter of some embarrassment, while to teachers and students alike the want of a concise and modern text-book has long been a difficulty of the first order. It is hoped that the present volume may go some way towards remedying this state of affairs. As on previous occasions, the writer has freely availed himself of foreign sources of information. Two years ago he purchased the literary rights in Professor Moussu's " Maladies du Betail," which had even then attained an European reputation, and which forms the backbone of the present volume. To obtain further information, the more imjDortant German treatises have been laid under contribution, while all accessible English, American, and Colonial literature of recent date has been referred to. (The references practically extend up to the moment of writing—the latest being June, 1905.) In this way the work may in some degree claim to have assumed an international character. The extent of the additions is indicated by an increase in the number of illustrations of 140, and of the text of nearly 50 per cent. Professor McQueen has j'erformed the greatly- valued service of reading proof-sheets and advising the writer as the book passed through the press. To Dr. Salmon, of the United States Department of Agriculture, special thanks are due for his generous permission to quote from the annual reports of that body. Other acknowledgments will be found in the text. Once again the writer, who on this occasion chances also to be the President of the Eoyal College of Veterinary Surgeons, appeals for lenient judgment on work performed under no common stress of duties, professional and political. JNO. A. W. DOLLAR. 56, Nev Bond Street, London, England, June, 1905. ...

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