Robbins John - The food revolution

Author : Robbins John
Title : The food revolution How your diet can help save your life and our world
Year : 2011

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Foreword by Dean Ornish, M.D. We tend to think of advances in medicine as a new drug, a new surgical technique, a laser, something high-tech and expensive. We often have a hard time believing that the simple choices we make each day-what we eat, how we respond to stress, whether we smoke, how much we exercise, and how well our social relationships support us-can make powerful differences in our health and well-being, even in our survival. But often they do. I have spent most of my professional life using the latest high-tech medical technology to assess the power of low-tech and low-cost interventions. For the past twenty-five years, my colleagues and I at the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute have, in collaboration with other institutions, conducted a series of scientific studies and randomized clinical trials demonstrating that the progression of even severe coronary heart disease can be stopped or reversed simply by making comprehensive changes in one's diet and lifestyle. These lifestyle changes include adopting a low-fat, plant-based, whole foods diet; stress management techniques (including yoga and meditation); moderate exercise; smoking cessation; and psychosocial group support. When diet and lifestyle-often the underlying causes of poor health -are adjusted, the body has a remarkable capacity to begin healing itself, much more quickly than we had once thought possible. On the other hand, if we literally bypass the problem with surgery or figuratively with medications without also addressing its underlying causes, the same problem may recur, new problems may emerge, or we may be faced with painful choices -sort of like mopping up the floor around an overflowing sink without turning off the faucet first. While our work at the Institute has focused primarily on the individual health benefits and cost effectiveness of choices in diet and lifestyle, there is a larger, more global context for lifestyle changes as well. John Robbins has for years been an eloquent spokesperson for these larger consequences of our personal choices. And, as he clearly describes in The Food Revolution, the personal and the global are deeply related. Your own body and the body politic affect each other-for better and for worse. Sometimes the world's problems seem so overwhelming that all we can do is focus on our own lives and those of our families and friends. Maybe you aren't interested in running for political office, or writing a book, or conducting research, or endowing a foundation. But the choices you make each day in something as fundamental as what you eat have consequences that are far-reaching, not only for yourself but also for a much wider society. Some choices may lead to healing, whereas others may lead to suffering, both individually and globally. ...

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